We also note an initiative to introduce a limit on the age of second-division players (to 20 years old) that is set to result in as many as 140 footballers losing their jobs.
In serious breaches of basic employment standards, both these moves are taking place without any negotiation with either the football players affected or their representative.
FIFPRO respectfully requests that Liga Panameña de Fútbol immediately enters negotiations with the national player association Asociación de Futbolistas de Panamá.
As a member of FIFPRO, Asociación de Futbolistas de Panamá is recognized by FIFA as the representative of players in Panama and therefore must be part of any collective negotiations on their members’ employment conditions.
Photo: Members of Panama's football player association AFUTPA protest about their employment rights in Panama City on January 14 2021.
Credit: ANP via EPA/Bienvenido Velasco