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Post-Tournament Blues: Understanding Post-Tournament Mental Health
Post-tournament blues is the emotional drop that happens to players after a big competition, when they haven’t had the opportunity to fully process their experiences. This report looks at players' experience of post-tournament mental health.

Impact of Workload on Football Players' Health and Wellbeing: Medical and Legal Perspectives
Increasing demands placed on professional soccer players have raised significant concern among players, coaches, and sports health professionals regarding their health, wellbeing, and overall workload management.

2022 Player and High Performance Coach Surveys
This edition of the FIFPRO Player Workload Monitoring flash report focuses on the findings of two recent surveys: the FIFPRO Global Player Survey and the FIFPRO High-Performance Coach Survey.

2022/23 Men's Workload Report: Extreme Calendar Congestion
Overlapping competition schedules and elevated individual workload demands are highlighted in a new FIFPRO report that warns of the impact on the health of professional players.

2023/24 Men's Player Workload Monitoring Report
The report highlights the burden on men's players involved in multiple international tournaments that endangers their welfare, performance and career prospects.

At The Limit: Player Workload in Elite Professional Men's Football
At The Limit makes a series of key recommendations to protect the health of players, and make sure they can perform at their peak.

Guidelines and Mitigation Strategies for Hot Conditions in Professional Football
Elevated heat, humidity, and solar load combined with low air movement independently and additively impair performance, increase the perception of effort and the risk of heat-related illnesses.

2024 African Player Workload Report
With this pilot study, FIFPRO Africa aims to shine a light on the workload situation facing African players, provide a voice for African players within and outside the continent, and facilitate discussions at continental and global level on performance, competitions and employment conditions.

Decoding Online Abuse of Players 2022
The report exposes a significant threat to the mental health and well-being of today’s top athletes. It raises important questions about their workplace and what can be done to ensure they enjoy adequate protection as workers.

2021 Shaping Our Future: Industry Development & Governance Standards
FIFPRO’s 2021 Shaping Our Future report examines global revenue streams and the working conditions of players, with a view to achieving a more stable and robust game.

Postpartum Return to Play Guide
FIFPRO has launched a 48-page guide to help professional footballers, as well as their families, team staff and other football stakeholders, better understand and manage pregnancy and the phase after childbirth.

FIFA/FIFPRO Social Media Protection Service Report: 2023 Women’s World Cup
The report represents a summary analysis of all monitoring and moderation activities carried out by the Social Media Protection Service (SMPS) across the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023.