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Raising Our Game Europe 2025

The women’s game in Europe has seen significant growth in the past decade, yet a deep-rooted legacy of gender discrimination still translates to a lack of opportunities for women to enter and remain in the field as professionals. Raising Our Game Europe 2025 – also known as ROGE25 – is designed to develop tools and resources to support player associations with promoting equal opportunities, access, and inclusion for women’s players.

What you need to know

Injustices faced by women's footballers

Terminated contracts, remuneration, inconsistent health insurance, absence of basic worker protections and rights, and strains on their holistic health are amongst the pressures confronting women's players.

Levelling the playing field

Thanks to European Union funding through the Erasmus+ Programme and a collaboration with the University of Bordeaux, FIFPRO Europe are developing the tools and resources that are currently lacking to support player unions.

Partner & affilate unions

FIFPRO Europe are carrying out this project with seven partner unions (Cyprus, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia), and five affiliate unions (England, Greece, Scotland, Spain, Sweden).

Providing solutions

FIFPRO Europe will work together through capacity building and action research workshops with women's footballers to develop a three-part toolkit on sustaining player union work in women’s football – guiding players in social dialogue, and movement-building for social change.

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FIFPRO presents key findings of project to benchmark professionalism in women’s football

The project – known as ROGE25 - is co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. Led by FIFPRO Europe in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux, it has counted on the collaboration of 12 European player unions.


ROGE25: Players, unions and stakeholders engage on increasing professionalism in women’s football

Players from across Europe gathered in Bilbao ahead of the UEFA Women’s Champions League final to share best-practice and insight on increasing the level of professionalism in women’s domestic football as part of the Raising Our Game Europe 2025 initiative.


FIFPRO ROGE25 Survey: Cluster Report


ROGE25: Project’s first data findings on improving standards in women’s football presented to participating unions

FIFPRO Europe are carrying out the project with seven partner unions (Cyprus, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia), and five affiliate unions (England, Greece, Scotland, Spain, Sweden).

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“We are thankful that the EU underlines the value of this project by providing us with a grant, and we will do everything in our power to make ROGE25 a success”

— by Project Coordinator Claudia van den Heiligenberg

ROGE25: Constructive dialogue enables unions to adapt toolkit to better support women’s players

European player associations gathered for online capacity building workshops to provide tailored feedback on the latest Raising Our Game Europe 2025 (ROGE25) framework ahead of player workshops taking place later this year.

ROGE25 Womens Football Summit

“It is our hope that women's footballers, athletes and player unions across the EU will be able to draw on the resources and momentum developed in this project”

— by FIFPRO Europe General Secretary Joachim Walltin

ROGE25: Empowering initiative highlighted at Women’s Football Summit

Co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme and done in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux, ROGE25 is designed to develop tools and resources to support player associations with promoting equal opportunities, access, and inclusion for women’s players.

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