FIFPRO and UEFA join forces to fight match-fixing

Anti-Match-Fixing Statement

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FIFPRO and UEFA have signed a joint cooperation agreement that recognises the Red Button whistleblowing app as the go-to platform for professional footballers to report possible match-fixing incidents. 

Launched in Finland almost 10 years ago, Red Button has become a central component of FIFPROs efforts to prevent match-fixing, complementing several other reporting mechanisms developed by football governing bodies - including UEFA’s integrity reporting platform 

Red Button, which can be downloaded by players upon receipt of a code distributed by a playersunion affiliated to FIFPRO, allows users to anonymously report valuable information about potential match-fixing concerns. While players can share contact details if they wish, all information remains strictly confidential unless otherwise agreed.  

Closer coordination 

The new cooperation agreement allows FIFPRO to exchange information received via the Red Button app with UEFAs anti-match-fixing unit. This will facilitate closer coordination in the fight against match-fixing a key goal of the new anti-match-fixing action plan approved by UEFAs Executive Committee on 11 July 2021.   

Collaboration across the entire football community, including the use of common whistleblowing channels, is critical to identifying and dismantling sophisticated, systemised corruption schemes that can threaten professional footballerscareers and lives. 

Recognise, Reject, Report 

Both UEFA and FIFPRO are committed to delivering the same 3Rsmessage to players approached to fix a match: RECOGNISE, REJECT and REPORT.  

It is of utmost importance to stand united and stay connected when facing such a scourge on the essence of the game. It is in the common interest of all those who love and live by football.